Minister Congratulates Libraries on 75th Anniversary Years of Service

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Provincial Library Service in Prince Edward Island.

From 1883 to1929, more than 2,500 new libraries were funded by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie throughout the United States, Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia, the Caribbean and Fiji, however they were all being built in large metropolitan centers.

In the early 1930s, the Carnegie Foundation decided to try a different approach for rural communities and chose Prince Edward Island as a trial for small community- based libraries with a shared staff and management. Seventy five years later, the Prince Edward Island Provincial Library Service is one of the province's great success stories.

In recognition of this milestone anniversary, Communities Cultural Affairs and Labour Minister, Hon. Carolyn Bertram released the following statement:

“I wish to pay tribute to the many staff and volunteers who have provided valuable library services to Islanders over the past three quarters of a century. Beginning in 1933, our first provincial librarian, Nora Bateson, criss-crossed the province talking to women's institutes, community councils and any other group she could get to listen. The project was a success from the beginning, with libraries housed in front parlours of private homes, and in the back rooms of village stores.

“And, as one of the most popular services provided by government, our libraries are more important than ever before. They have grown and advanced to meet the changing learning, technology and entertainment needs of Islanders.

“Communities still support and appreciate their libraries and the system is still based on sharing. Communities supply and maintain the facilities, and government provides the library materials and professional staff.

“Andrew Carnegie once said: ‘There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration.’

“Our provincial libraries are for everyone. Libraries welcome children, adults, men, women, teenagers, immigrants, scholars, learners and those simply looking to wile away some time in the comfort of the aisles.

“The Provincial Library Service thrives today, thanks to the support and involvement of many staff and many volunteers who have operated the libraries and served Islanders since 1933. I would like to congratulate staff, volunteers and communities throughout Prince Edward Island on this 75th anniversary.”

More information on the Provincial Library Service is available at your local public library or online at

Media Contact: Connie McNeill