Prince Edward Island has once again demonstrated that the quality of its crops and livestock are among the best in the world, says Agriculture and Forestry Minister George Webster.
“Prince Edward Island exhibitors are to be congratulated on one of their strongest showings at the Royal Winter Fair in recent years,” said Mr. Webster. “The top awards have showcased the high quality of our crops and livestock, and have strengthened the reputation of our province in domestic and international markets.”
Prince Edward Island exhibitors at the Royal Winter Fair came away with a number of top honours. Lewis Brothers of York won the Grand Championship for potatoes in both the tablestock and seed competitions, and Alex Docherty of Elmwood won the Reserve Grand Champion in the seed stock classes.
In the livestock ring, the Grand Champion Holstein, Lewisdale Eastside Missey, was an Island-bred cow from the Lewisdale herd of Scott and Jamie Lewis of York and the Eastside herd of Bloyce and Guy Thompson of Frenchfort. Now owned by a breeder in Alberta, the Holstein cow was also chosen recently as grand champion at the world-famous diary show in Madison, Wisconsin.
Prince Edward Island has the distinction of having bred the last two grand championship Holsteins at the Royal, and three of the last nine have been bred in Island herds.
As well, the banner for premier breeder went to J. Guy Thompson and Son of Frenchfort. This is the first time in the history of the Royal that an Island breeder has received the award.
“These are major accomplishments for Prince Edward Island Holstein breeders and a tribute to their knowledge and experience,” said Mr. Webster. “This province is increasingly being recognized around the world for the top quality of its genetics.”