Minister Congratulates ECMA Nominees

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Yesterday’s announcement that the East Coast Music Awards nominee list includes a number of Island artists and groups speaks well to the strength of our music industry, says Culture Minister Carolyn Bertram.

In congratulating the Prince Edward Island nominees, Hon Carolyn Bertram, Minister of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour said, “The East Coast Music Awards have become one of the premier events in Canada and it is a mark of success for any recording artist to receive recognition from this industry.”

Acadian group Vishten received two nominations: Group Recording of the Year and Roots/Traditional Recording of the Year. Exciting newcomer Meaghan Blanchard also received two nominations: Rising Star Recording of the Year and Folk Recording of the Year. Other Island groups and artists nominated include Battery Point, Pat Deighan & the Orb Weavers, Lazy Jacks, Kendra McGillvary, Grass Mountain Hobos and Collette Cheverie.

“I congratulate each of these artists and groups for their success this year and for their ECMA nominations,” said Minister Bertram. “I look forward to the music awards in Corner Brook in February; we can be proud of our Island representation.”

The East Coast Music Awards will be held in Corner Brook, Newfoundland from February 26 to March 1, 2009.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill