Minister Brown welcomes back students, reminds them of financial support available

Workforce and Advanced Learning
As post-secondary students begin classes this week, we want to wish them a safe and successful year as they continue to further their education here in Prince Edward Island, says Minister Richard Brown, Workforce and Advanced Learning.

“This is an exciting time of year for the Province with students returning to school to increase their skills and broaden their knowledge in their field of study,” said Minister Brown. “In recognizing the value of education, the Province of Prince Edward Island is pleased to offer a variety of support services to our students, including provincial loans, grants, and bursaries. Their choice to invest in their education—and ultimately in themselves—will be of personal benefit and will also help create a more dynamic and knowledgeable Island workforce.”

In 2008, Prince Edward Island established the George Coles Bursary to assist Island students with up to $2,000 towards the costs of post-secondary education. In 2011, the George Coles Graduate Award was created to reward students completing their education.

Since 2008, the Government of Prince Edward

Island has awarded a variety of awards and bursaries including:

• 6,779 George Coles Bursaries;

• 1,780 George Coles Graduate Awards;

• 7,911 Island Student Awards;

• 5,602 Island Skills Awards; and

• 2,459 Community Service Bursaries

With a wide range of Government supports and some of the region’s lowest tuition rates, higher education can be an affordable investment in one’s future.

For additional information on loans, grants, and bursaries offered, please contact Student Financial Services at (902) 368-4640 or at

Media Contact: Sheila Kerry