February 20, 1997 * Education [to Apr 2008]The second annual Provincial Heritage Fair will be held May 22-23 at the UPEI Field house announced Education Minister Chester Gillan today. "I am pleased to announce that the CRB Foundation's Heritage Project has joined the Department of Education in sponsoring this important educational event again this year," said the Minister. "As this week's Heritage Week celebrations have demonstrated, taking pride in our culture and heritage is something Islanders take very seriously. Learning about the past can only benefit our children in the future." Organizers predict over 2,000 students, teachers and volunteers will be involved in the Fair. So far, 25 schools have confirmed entries in the exhibit area and 24 schools plan to send grade 6 classes to view the exhibits. Twenty workshops will be presented by various associations and organizations including the Museums and Heritage Foundation, the Association of Community Museums, Island Nature Trust, Institute of Island Studies, PEI Multicultural Council, PEI Native Council as well as organizations from the Acadian community. The Heritage Fair is a multi-media education program designed to increase awareness and interest in Canadian history. The Fair encourages students to use any medium of their choice to tell stories and share information about Canadian heroes and events. The PEI Heritage Fair is held in conjunction with regional fairs in every other province of Canada. Media Contact: Lori Smith