A partnership consisting of DeltaWare Systems Inc and Island Tel Advanced Solutions (ITAS) has achieved its first milestone with the formation of a new company, CYMBIANT Technologies Inc, which will draw on its strategic alliance with GE Capital Inc to deliver innovative I.T. services as outlined in the August, 1999 Information Technology Centre agreement.
Under the terms of the agreement, GE Capital has become the primary provider of leases for all future desktops, laptops, printers and servers for government and will provide government with the tools required to manage these resources. In addition, Oracle Technical Support and Network Management Service needs of government will be met by CYMBIANT Technologies Inc.
Mike Hennessey, President of CYMBIANT Technologies Inc, indicated that the company began delivering Oracle Technical Support Services on November 1, 1999 and that delivery of Network Management Services is scheduled for early in the new year. Presently, CYMBIANT Technologies Inc, through its parent companies, employs 12 staff to deliver these services to the provincial government, of which six positions are new in support of the contract.
"The goals, minds and resources behind this alliance will play major roles in enhancing Prince Edward Island's connections to the global marketplace and improving the delivery of government services," said Minister Mitch Murphy, Department of Technology and Environment. "The creation of six new jobs at this early stage in the agreement is most encouraging and our target of 73 new jobs over the four-year life of the agreement is very realistic."
To-date, the parent companies of the consortium have invested $1.2 million in infrastructure, training and knowledge transfer in establishing the services. Ron Waite, Treasurer and Mike Hennessey, President of CYMBIANT Technologies Inc agree that the alliance will strengthen both Island Tel and DeltaWare Systems Inc's abilities to identify opportunities for the province and to compete in the marketplace. Mr Hennessey also indicated that CYMBIANT Technologies Inc is presently recruiting a Director of Business Growth and Development for the company.
Jeff Vey of GE Capital Business Development outlined some of the positive steps taken to date by GE to fulfill their role in the agreement. GE has established a PEI Office in Charlottetown from which their activities will be centered. GE will use local firms to provide all hardware installation and warranty work. Vey indicated that local information technology businesses will be asked to submit proposals this month to be the supplier to GE of these services.
Vey also indicated GE Capital will organize Information sessions for Island businesses early this year. These sessions will be a forum for Island businesses to learn about the capabilities and supply needs of GE Capital Inc.
"Following these information sessions, a group of interested businesses will be invited to visit the GE Research and Development Centre in New York, " added Vey. "This will be an opportunity to explore potential business ventures for the further provision of services and products to GE."
For further information, contact Mike Hennessey, President of CYMBIANT Technologies Inc, (902) 368-8122.