Gateway Village Begins Construction Soon
Details of a major new initiative for the Borden-Carleton area were revealed today at a news conference held in Borden-Carleton, PEI. Called "Gateway Village," the project consists of a first-class tourism destination which will include a retail/commercial centre to be located at the foot of the new "Confederation Bridge."
"We want people to have an excellent first impression of Prince Edward Island," said Premier Catherine Callbeck, in announcing details of the project. "From the moment they arrive on the Island, we want them to know that PEI is a unique province with great charm and hospitality."
"This project represents a major step in the Borden-Carleton Re-Development Initiative," said Lawrence MacAulay, Secretary of State, (Veterans and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency). "The challenge of putting this project together took a lot of imagination and teamwork. ACOA is pleased to be able to assist with a project that so strongly supports new job creation and enhances economic opportunities for this area."
The village will consist of a turn-of-the-century rural PEI street scape including an exhibition pavilion, visitor information centre, food and retail services. A three-hectare park will also form part of the village.
Gateway Village will offer various amenities to visitors; and the site will provide opportunities for entrepreneurs interested in setting up retail, commercial and tourism businesses.
The Gateway Village project will employ at least 45 people full time, by creating 30 jobs and maintaining 15. Sixty short-term construction jobs will also be created for a period of approximately 30 weeks.
"The job creation element of this project is significant," said Wayne Easter, representing Douglas Young, Minister of Human Resources Development Canada. "And the numbers don't account for the spin-off effects Gateway Village and its resident businesses will have on surrounding communities."
"Gateway Village is a cornerstone of Prince Edward Island's five-year Tourism Action Plan to develop a world-class destination at the foot of the Confederation Bridge," said Robert Morrissey, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism. "Projects like Gateway Village will position our province with a unique tourism product."
Federal financing is being provided by the Borden-Carleton Re-Development Fund. ACOA is providing $3.4 million toward construction of the exposition pavilion, interpretive centre and the essential infrastructure program; Human Resources Development Canada is providing $705,000 for the natural park; Public Works Canada is providing the land; and the Province of Prince Edward Island is investing $3.2 million to finance the infrastructure program, Gateway Exhibition Centre and the park.
The Gateway project is expected to enhance the short and long-term potential for private sector investment by drawing tourists and other visitors to PEI, which will result in sustainable job creation in the Borden-Carleton region.
For more information, please contact: Lynne Sherren, ACOA, (902) 566-7485; Ann Stanley, Enterprise P.E.I., (902) 368-6322