Lobster Marketing Mechanism Study

* Fisheries and Tourism [to May 2000]
The Minister of Fisheries and Tourism, Kevin J. MacAdam released in the House today the final report of the Lobster Marketing Mechanism Study. The study was performed by Smith Green and Associates of Charlottetown.

The study was undertaken to address concerns raised by some fishers concerning developments in the processing sector and the marketplace, particularly the consolidation of processing plants. A Steering Committee, chaired by Mr. Eugene Niles and made up of four lobster fishers: Robert Jenkins, Little Pond; Kennie Drake, Morell; Donnie Strongman, Poplar Grove; and Wilbur Banks, Murray Road, oversaw the study.

The Steering Committee has reviewed the final report and determined that the consultant has met the objectives of the Terms of Reference for the Study.

Minister MacAdam noted, "The Smith Green report began by researching past and present marketing mechanisms in the lobster fishery." He added, "It included provision for lobster fishers to raise concerns through the five regional meetings that were held throughout the Province. As well, meetings were scheduled with buyers, processors and the general public."

The report outlines the state of the lobster harvesting and processing sectors and current marketing mechanisms in place at wharf side. The report includes a review of marketing mechanisms in place in other parts of Atlantic Canada and throughout the world.

While the report does not make recommendations to the industry, it does contain seventeen conclusions which reflect the consultants current assessment of the industry in relation to the objective of the study which was "to ensure that the best available mechanisms are in place to provide fishers with consistently strong, long-term returns from the marketplace."

Minister MacAdam stated, "In releasing this report today, I want to make it clear that it was carried out for the industry and it will be available to all members of our lobster industry for their review."

The Minister thanked Mr. Eugene Niles and the members of the Steering Committee for their dedicated efforts in directing this study on behalf of the industry. He also thanked Smith Green and Associates and all the members of the industry who took part in the study.

Media Contact: Lewie Creed