Lobster Landings Up Slightly

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment [to Oct 2003]
Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Greg Deighan has released preliminary statistics on the spring lobster season which show a slight increase in landings over last year.

The preliminary landing figures were compiled by the Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment for the spring fishery in Area 24, along the north shore of Prince Edward Island, and Area 26A, the southeastern Northumberland Strait.

"Lobster landings continue to remain strong overall with total landings from the two areas reaching 17.6 million pounds. That's up a little more than three per cent from the 17 million pounds of PEI lobster landed last spring season," said Minister Deighan.

In Area 24, landings totalled 13 million pounds, an increase of approximately nine per cent over the 2002 landings of 11.9 million pounds. In Area 26A, total landings were 4.6 million pounds. While that is down about 10 per cent from 2002, landings that year were up 22 per cent over the previous year.

"To put things in perspective, if you look at the catches over a number of years, this year's landings in Area 26A are slightly above the 10-year average of 4.3 million pounds," the Minister added.

In releasing the statistics on the spring lobster fishery, Minister Deighan said the industry remains a key component of the PEI fishery and a significant contributor to the economy of Prince Edward Island.

"A strong and healthy lobster industry is good news for the Island economy as a whole," the Minister said. "The landed value of lobster in 2002 was $105 million and there was considerable added value from the processing and service sectors."

Preliminary figures for the 2003 spring lobster landings are based on information provided to the Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment by licensed lobster buyers throughout Prince Edward Island.

Media Contact: Greg Deighan