P.E.I. Fisheries and Tourism Minister Kevin MacAdam today released the preliminary landing figures as compiled by the Provincial Department, for the Spring lobster season in P.E.I. Areas 24 and 26A.
The figures indicate that total landings in Area 24 along P.E.I.'s North Shore totalled 10.9 million lbs., an increase of 3.8% over 1997. Meanwhile Areas 26A in the Southeastern Northumberland Strait experienced an increase of 15% over last year, with total landings of 4.4 million lbs.
"The overall production of 15.3 million lbs. for the Spring season is an increase over last year by 974,000 lbs. and that has to be positive news for our fishing industry," said Mr. MacAdam. "I am pleased to see that overall landings remain healthy in the spring fishery," the Minister continued. "Furthermore, the good prices again this season will certainly benefit the provincial economy."
The Minister noted that there was a slight reduction in the amount of unprocessed canner lobster leaving the Island in 1998. "We have had ongoing discussions of this issue and I sense there is a heightened awareness of the problem," stated the Minister. "We will be continuing to press this point and intend to see more benefit from our most important fishery resource accruing to Islanders in future years," he concluded.