Lobster Landings

* Fisheries and Tourism [to May 2000]
Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Tourism, today released the preliminary figures for lobster landings, as compiled by the Provincial Department, for the fall lobster season in Area 25, the Western Northumberland Strait.

The figures indicate that total landings in Area 25, from Victoria to North Cape, were 3.2 million pounds, a slight decrease of 1.9% from the 1998 figure.

Total landings for 1999, which includes the spring season in Area 24 and Area 26A and the fall season, reached 17.9 million pounds, down 5.2% from 1998's total. This information was provided to the Department by licensed lobster buyers throughout P.E.I.

The landed value for the 1999 season is expected to be up over $4.0 million to a record value of approximately $84.7 million.

Media Contact: David Younker