The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control
Commission has suspended the Special Premises Liquor License of "The Haviland Club",
license number SL 120129, located in Charlottetown, for a two (2) day period as follows:
Saturday, May 23, 9:00 a.m. to Monday, May 25. 9:00 a.m.
The Liquor Control Commission is satisfied that violations of the Liquor Control Act took
place under the following section which reads as follows:
Section 40.(3) The holder of a liquor license shall not permit any person under the age
of nineteen years to enter, be in. or remain in the licensed premises except as provided by the Act or regulations.
Section 40. (4) The holder of a liquor license or his employee ... shall demand proof that
the person is of the age of nineteen year or over.