The 36th edition of Prince Edward Island’s Annual Statistical Review points to a number of reasons for our resilient economy, says Minister of Finance and Municipal Affairs Wes Sheridan.
“From an impressive number of new homes built, to a welcome increase in population, the statistics included in the latest Annual Statistical Review illustrate why we were one of the only jurisdictions in North America to have growth in 2009,” said Minister Sheridan. “I encourage all Islanders to pick up a copy or to read it online.”
The 2009 Review includes a wide variety of information on the economy, population and social make-up of Prince Edward Island. Governments, businesses and Islanders alike consult the Annual Statistical Review for the most recent information about the social and economic situation of the province.
Highlights include:
• Island population totals 140,985;
• Economic growth of 0.6 per cent;
• Housing starts increased by 23.2 per cent;
• Value of non-residential construction increased by 38 per cent;
• Employment averaged 69,500 for the year;
• Unemployment Rate was 12.0 per cent;
• Total labour income increased by 4.4 per cent;
• Farm cash receipts valued $395.7 million, an increase of 0.9 per cent;
• Value of new vehicle sales increased by 5.8 per cent.
The document can be viewed online at
Printed copies are available from Island Information Service, 11 Kent Street, Jones Building, 1st Floor.