Keith Hillier Receives Lieutenant Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Administration

Lieutenant Governor J. LĂ©once Bernard and the PEI Regional Group of the Institute of Public Administration (IPAC) presented the second annual IPAC-PEI Lieutenant Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Administration to Keith Hillier on December 3.

The award, sponsored by Aliant, recognizes outstanding contributions made on a sustained basis rather than as a result of any single exceptional public service deed or long service in the public sector.

"Keith Hillier's professionalism, dedication and commitment to Veterans Affairs Canada, other federal and provincial organizations, the local community and local families, are attributes truly worth emulating," said Verna Bruce, Associate Deputy Minister, Veteran Affairs Canada. "He is an excellent role model and one of the great leaders within the Public Service of Canada."

For more than thirteen years, Mr. Hillier demonstrated professionalism and proficiency in a variety of roles at Revenue Canada. He then joined the province of Newfoundland with senior management responsibilities as Director of Taxation. Subsequently, Mr. Hillier returned to senior positions at Revenue Canada and, in 1994, he was appointed Director General, Corporate Planning at Veterans Affairs Canada, Charlottetown, where he was responsible for several innovative initiatives as well as the Portfolio's overall planning framework. In 1998, Mr. Hillier assumed his current responsibilities as Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services, Veterans Affairs Canada. In total, Mr. Hillier has provided strong public sector leadership in the significant improvement of government programs and services for more than 30 years.

The Institute of Public Administration is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to advancing excellence in the public service through learning, networking and celebrating achievement among government, colleges, universities and others interested in public administration.

Media Contact: Janice Pettit