Judicial recount for Cornwall

A judicial recount for the sixth Councillor position for the Town of Cornwall was conducted over the past two days by Chief Provincial Court John Douglas.

With Cornwall having an Open Ward system, six positions for Councillor had to be filled. A judicial recount in an Open Ward required all the ballots cast for Councillor to be recounted. The judicial recount started at 1 p.m. on Thursday November 13 and continued until 9:30 p.m., then resumed at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, November 14 with the judicial recount being completed at 2:30 p.m. There were over 1,700 ballots which had to be counted which contained 11 names of candidates for the six (6) Candidate positions. The Judicial Recount was initiated by Heather MacDonald who had finished seventh with 752 votes, four votes behind Shane McGuigan who had 756 votes. As a result of the Judicial Recount, Heather MacDonald remained at 752 votes while Shane McGuigan received one more vote to have a final count of 757 votes.

There were some other minor changes in some of the other councillor positions but none which will affect the election results. All changes will be reflected in the results posted on our website at www.electionspei.ca.

Media Contact: Gary McLeod