An innovative project designed to link libraries across the province is the recipient of the 2004 National Innovation Achievement Award. Launched in 2002, Isle@sk provides a gateway to the Provincial Library Service, the UPEI Library and the Holland College Library.
“This is a very prestigious award for Island libraries which recognizes significant achievement in the area of ongoing program and service improvement,” said the Honourable Elmer MacFadyen, Minister responsible for Libraries. “This award reflects very positively on the abilities of library staff and their willingness to participate in shared projects for the benefit of Islanders.“
The award is sponsored by Canadian information vendor Micromedia ProQuest and presented by the Canadian Association of Colleges and University Libraries. The selection committee looked for projects characterized by “innovation, currency, utility, long-term impact, and hustle”.
Isle@sk is a collaborative, province-wide reference service that uses software plus the knowledge of librarians in the college, public and university library services to provide answers to questions submitted by Islanders. The Isle@sk service demonstrates the behind-the-scenes cooperation between librarians and institutions that has always existed, especially in a small province like this.
The award was presented at the Canadian Library Association Meeting in Victoria BC.