Hundreds of students from across PEI are going to work today as part of Take Our Kids to Work Day.
Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national event that introduces grade 9 students to a variety of workplaces and career choices. Through the program, students spend a day job shadowing a parent, friend or volunteer host. It is an opportunity for students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to the world of work. When they return to school, they will share their experiences with students and teachers.
Education Minister Mildred Dover advised that the event is popular with students, parents and employers.
By participating in the event, many students realize the importance of staying in school. They learn about the skills required in today’s labour market, and they gain a better appreciation for their parents’ role in making a living and supporting a family.
For employers, the event is an opportunity to showcase their commitment to supporting young people in their community while providing students with an important insight into the world of work. It is also a good opportunity to acknowledge and support parents, as employees.
Minister Dover said the event is very timely because students in grade 9 are beginning to think about career choices and they are making course selections that impact their futures. “Take Our Kids to Work Day is a great practical opportunity to expose students to the world of work. It helps them become familiar with a variety of career options and the courses they need to pursue these careers,” she said.
The minister acknowledged the tremendous support that is provided by schools, employers and parents to make the day possible.
Take Our Kids to Work Day is coordinated by The Learning Partnership, a national organization dedicated to building partnerships to strengthen public education in Canada. In the past 12 years, millions of Canadian students and thousands of employers have participated in Take Our Kids to Work Day.
For more information on the event, visit