Provinces across Canada are helping in the volunteer efforts to restore power, to provide food and shelter and to begin clean-up efforts to the communities of Quebec and eastern Ontario. Prince Edward Island has been no exception.
Wes MacAleer, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, has been contacted by many concerned Islanders who are looking for ways they can assist the ice storm victims. "I am always amazed but never surprised by the continuous generosity and support Islanders are willing to give fellow Canadians in times of crisis," said Minister MacAleer. "When the chips are down, it is nice to know there are so many people willing to give whatever they can to make things a little bit easier for those less fortunate."
One such Islander, Joan Taylor, runs a Bed & Breakfast operation outside of the Charlottetown area. She has brought together a group of 10 other tourist operators who have offered to make at least 27 rooms available in the Charlottetown area to any resident of Quebec who wishes to evacuate the area until the clean-up is over.
Taylor first got the idea from watching the television coverage and seeing residents becoming increasingly stressed. Says Taylor, "There are always some empty rooms this time of year because of the short tourist season on PEI." Realizing she had three free rooms and thought others might be in a similar situation, Taylor began calling her fellow B & B operators. "The people I contacted were all very enthusiastic about the idea," adds Taylor.
A letter from Minister MacAleer has been sent to the Quebec Minister of Tourism, David Cliche, informing him of the availability of these rooms.