Islanders Interested in Being Angling Guides Invited to Take National Recognition Program

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
Islanders interested in working as a freshwater angling guide have a unique opportunity to earn their professional certification credential.

The Department of Environment Energy and Forestry is partnering with the Tourism Industry Association of PEI (TIAPEI) to offer a pilot project for a limited number of Islanders to take the first step toward earning their national certification as freshwater angling guides.

A freshwater angling guide is a person paid to provide assistance and expertise in angling to others. The Province does not license angling guides, and visitors are not required to be accompanied by an angling guide while fishing in PEI. There are no plans to change that. However, visitors planning a fishing trip to the Island often contact the Province wanting to hire a guide to help make their angling experience more enjoyable. The pilot project will allow the Province and tourism operators to be able to provide these visitors with a list of guides who have demonstrated that they meet professional industry standards.

Recognized by the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council, the certification pilot will be delivered by TIAPEI. A limited number of seats will be offered free of charge. Participants are given a comprehensive self-study workbook and must take an on-line examination to complete the knowledge component of the national certification program. Once gaining practical experience, angling guides can complete the national certification program at their own expense by passing a performance evaluation.

Those interested in participating in the pilot project must:

• be 18 years or older;

• be a resident of PEI;

• not have been convicted of a fisheries or wildlife violation in the past five years; and

• enjoy working with people.

If you meet the above criteria and would like to participate in this pilot project, contact Gerald MacDougall, Manager of Fish and Wildlife, by email at no later than March 3, 2006. The program begins in mid-March and will be completed by early April.

Media Contact: Gerald MacDougall