Islanders encouraged to visit Engage PEI website and get involved in public service

Premier's Office
Government is encouraging Islanders to contribute to the public life of the province by applying to serve on one of the many government agencies, boards and commissions.

“Public engagement is a priority for this government and we believe that input from Islanders is vital to effective public policy and government services,” said Premier Wade MacLauchlan. “We have an ongoing need for new members for various boards and advisory councils and the Engage PEI website makes it easy for Islanders to view upcoming vacancies and apply online.”

There has been good success in recruiting Islanders through Engage PEI since it was launched last October. By the end of April, last week, 261 applications had been received from 134 women and 127 men across the Island. These included almost 100 applications to the Learning Partners Advisory Council from people interested in helping reshape the education system. The 261 applicants included 45 seniors, five youth, six newcomers and 11 Aboriginals.

To date, 42 of those applicants have been appointed, including 20 men and 22 women. The remaining applications continue to be submitted to departments as openings arise on the boards of interest to applicants.

The interests of Islanders are best served through representation from all regions of the province, as well as including all age groups, cultures and a strong balance of men and women.

The PEI Coalition for Women in Government will hold focus groups across the province during the month of May on the topic of women’s participation on boards. The meetings are open to all genders and will provide information about Islanders' experiences and the gaps and opportunities that face women serving on all types of boards, government and non-government.

“We are very pleased with the interest we have seen from Islanders through Engage PEI so far, but we must continue to reach out and encourage more people to become involved,” said the premier. “Each of us can invite friends, family and neighbors to offer their skills, knowledge and experience to the important functioning of the public service and to help achieve great things for Prince Edward Island.”

For more information on Engage PEI visit

For more information the PEI Coalition for Women in Government focus groups, contact Dawn Wilson at

Media Contact: Mary Moszynski