Islanders Celebrate National Child Day November 20th

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
Thursday, November 20th is National Child Day.

"National Child Day is a day to celebrate children for what they are, to reflect on the special meaning they bring to our lives and the hope they inspire for our future," said Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover.

November 20th is also the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, and the U.N. adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.

"The Convention is important because it addresses many key aspects of the lives of children and youth, including proper nutrition; access to health care and education; protection from exploitation and abuse; and the right to express their opinions and participate in matters that affect them," said Minister Dover.

"National Child Day calls on all of us to reflect on the special needs of children and to think of ways we can improve their well-being. We can do this in our homes, in schools, in daycare centres, and in various institutions in our communities," she said.

Islanders are celebrating National Child Day in many ways. The second annual Dr. J.H. O'Hanley Award of Excellence will be presented today at a special ceremony at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The award is presented annually on National Child Day as an ongoing tribute to Dr. 'Soc' O'Hanley's lifetime commitment to the care of Island children, and other special people like him who have met the needs of children over the years through professional dedication and commitment.

Early childhood centres and family resource centres across the Island are using National Child Day activity guides to assist them in planning their own unique activities.

The Early Childhood Development Association is promoting the event through a Blue Ribbon Campaign. Proceeds from the sale of special National Child Day blue lapel ribbons and fridge magnets are being donated to the QEH paediatric unit.

Children's art is being displayed at various sites, and Charlottetown businesses are promoting the day through special National Child Day store window promotions.

Minister Dover asked all Islanders to join in this celebration of children.

"By building positive relationships with children," she said, "and helping them develop their own sense of confidence and self-esteem, we help them see that they are valued, respected and loved. Most importantly, our actions help get children off to a happy, healthy start in life."

Media Contact: Island Information Service