As PEI’s backyards, fields and woodlots abound with young birds and animals, well-meaning wildlife lovers are reminded not to try to “rescue” what looks like orphaned young.
Minister of Environment and Energy Jamie Ballem, said provincial wildlife officials have received numerous calls in recent weeks from people who have picked up young birds or animals. He cautioned all Islanders to remember that just because a young animal is on its own does not necessarily mean it is abandoned. In most cases, the parent is nearby and quite aware of her young.
"Handling these animals or removing them from their natural environment will do more harm than good,” said Minister Ballem. “Rarely will they survive. Those that do, such as young raccoons, will become problem animals as they reach maturity. And attempts to re-introduce captive wildlife back to their natural environment almost always fail because the animal has not learned to survive on its own. So, the best way people can help young animals is to not touch them.”
In some cases, young animals are orphaned through accidental death or natural predation to the parents. These animals are still best left to fend for themselves, said Minister Ballem. Each year, far more young are produced than is necessary to maintain the population of each wildlife species. This high birth rate must be balanced by an equally high mortality rate. Predation and scavenging by other species is a natural and necessary process to ensure the long-term health of wildlife populations.
For more information on wildlife in Prince Edward Island, please contact the Department of Environment and Energy at (902) 368-4666.