Island Women Celebrate Themselves and Their Music

Charlottetown ~The Advisory Council on the Status of Women invites Islanders who are nineteen and over to enjoy themselves at the International Women's Day Cabaret. This celebration of women and song starts at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 8 at the Arts Guild, corner of Richmond and Queen Street, in Charlottetown.

Where did the idea for the cabaret originate? When the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health contacted Heidi Rankin, director of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, to talk about a joint project to celebrate International Women's Day, her first thought was, "Let's do something fun."

Ms. Rankin explains her thinking this way: "As advocates for women's equality, we spend a great deal of our time dealing with very difficult issues like poverty and violence. The work can progress very slowly. All women tend to do double duty at home and at work, often putting others' needs before their own. It occurred to me that the most healthy thing that women can do for themselves is to take time out for fun, laughter and relaxation. We want to give Island women that opportunity."

The whole evening is dedicated to enjoyment for everyone. Admission is free so there is no worry about cost. As well, there will be tasty refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages available at no charge. A cash bar will also be available. The facility is completely accessible to those with disabilities.

"And, the music," Ms. Rankin enthuses, "Wait until you hear the music! We have gathered together a strong and powerful cross-section of talented Island women who will raise your spirits and make you glad to be alive. The line-up is still a bit of a secret but I will tell you that, among others, we will be hearing from an artist who just released a new CD and from members of a group who had their own stage show last summer. The performers are as excited as we are about getting on stage that evening and having fun with their music. "The evening is co-sponsored with the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health.

For more information, call the Advisory Council office at 368-4510.

Contact Heidi Rankin, Director 368-4510

Media Contact: Island Information Service