Island Student's Artwork Featured in National Calendar

* Environment & Energy [to Oct 2004]
Island student Julie Collier has a clear message for Canadians who want to do their part to save energy... turn it off!

A Grade 6 student at Grand Tracadie Elementary School, Julie is the winner of the Prince Edward Island poster contest for the 2004 Energy and the Environment Calendar. Produced by Natural Resources Canada to promote wise energy use and a healthy environment, the calendar features one drawing from each province and territory. Approximately 135,000 calendars are distributed in households, schools and businesses across Canada.

The theme of the poster contest for the 2004 calendar was “Taking Action on Climate Change Through Wise Energy Use”. Minister of Environment and Energy Jamie Ballem said Julie’s artwork, entitled “Save Energy... Turn it off!,” certainly captured that theme. “Julie’s colourful drawing illustrates what is the easiest way we can all help save energy - simply turning off lights and appliances when we’re not using them,” said Minister Ballem. “That one small change in our habits can go a long way in helping curb climate change and ensuring a healthier environment for Julie’s generation.”

The actions of individual Canadians, particularly the use of fossil fuels such as oil and gas to heat homes, produce electricity and run vehicles, account for 28 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change. That amounts to about six tonnes per person every year.

Minister of Education Mildred Dover visited Grand Tracadie Elementary School earlier this week to present Julie with the poster contest prizes and speak to students about climate change and the environment. For her winning entry, Julie received a laminated and mounted copy of her artwork as well as a backpack, sports watch, CD case and ball cap. The school also received a laminated copy of Julie’s winning drawing for display.

“I congratulate Julie for both her sense of environmental awareness and her creativity in delivering her message,” said Minister Dover. “I also commend teachers at Grand Tracadie. With the winning entry in this poster contest coming from this school five of the last seven years, it’s clear that teachers are doing an excellent job in fostering in students an appreciation for our Island environment.”

More than 230 Island students entered the poster contest for the 2004 Energy and the Environment Calendar. They will all be receiving participant prizes for their outstanding efforts.

To learn more about energy efficiency, Island students and teachers can visit the CalendarClub Web site at Copies of the 2004 Energy and the Environment Calendar will be available later this month from Island Information Service 368-4000 or 1-800-236-5196.

Media Contact: Sandra Lambe