Island Student's Artwork Featured In Calendar

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment [to Oct 2003]
Twelve-year-old Jillian MacKinnon has some very bright ideas when it comes to energy efficiency.

Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan has announced Jillian is the provincial winner in the department's annual poster contest for the 2001 Energy and the Environment Calendar.

Approximately 150,000 calendars containing Jillian's artwork will be used in households, schools and businesses across Canada.

"Jillian creatively depicts what a positive impact it would have on the global environment if we all turned off the lights when we leave a room," said Minister Gillan. "It's a theme we are all familiar with, but Jillian's imaginative drawing truly drives the message home."

The daughter of John and Patsy MacKinnon of Grand Tracadie, Jillian received a laminated copy of her artwork, a solar-powered calculator and an EnerCat t-shirt for her winning entry.

The Energy and Environment Calendar is produced each year by Natural Resources Canada. The theme for the 2001 edition is "Be innovative in using energy wisely... it's good for our environment."

The calendar features one drawing from each province and territory and contains an activity book for schoolchildren to learn more about energy efficiency.

The annual poster contest is open to Island students in Grades 1-6. Jillian was a Grade 6 student at Tracadie Elementary School when she submitted her winning drawing. Minister Gillan also presented the school with a laminated copy of Jillian's artwork for display.

More than 100 Island students entered the poster contest for the 2001 calendar. They will all be receiving participant prizes for their outstanding efforts. Some drawings spoke to the benefits of practices such as recycling and walking or carpooling to work, while others focused on alternative energy sources such as wind power and solar energy.

"The students had many wonderful ideas for conserving energy and protecting our environment," said Minister Gillan. "I believe these young citizens can teach us a great deal about how we can make small changes in our habits today to contribute to a healthier environment tomorrow."

Copies of the 2001 Energy and the Environment Calendar are available at Access PEI offices and from Island Information Service (368-4000 or toll-free 1-800-236-5196).

Information on the poster contest for the 2002 calendar will be distributed in the spring.

Media Contact: Sandra Lambe