Les Dickason’s Prince Edward Island tulip field photo has won the British Columbia Automobile Association’s (BCAA) calendar cover for 2010, says Minister of Tourism Valerie E. Docherty.
“To have Prince Edward Island appear on the front cover of the 2010 BCAA’s travel calender is great news,” said Minister Docherty. “I’d like to congratulate and thank Les Dickason for taking the beautiful Island scenic photo during his vacation here, and for submitting it to the BCAA contest. This photo will clearly portray to potential travelers why Prince Edward Island is a must-see vacation destination.”
Mr. Dickason is from Nanaimo, British Columbia, and visited Prince Edward Island in 2005. He photographed some picturesque scenery of Prince Edward Island. The British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA) held a contest for travel photos for their 2010 calendar. Dickason submitted an entry of one of his Prince Edward Island shots and he recently found out that his photo has been selected as the 2010 calendar cover.
“To my delight and surprise, I recently learned that my PEI photograph entry has been selected to be the 2010 calendar cover,” said Mr. Dickason. “Thank you to anyone who took the time to vote for my photo. I have fond memories of my visit to Prince Edward Island and I am delighted to learn that my PEI photo received the most votes.”
As the winner of the contest, the photo will be both the 2010 calendar cover - as well as the April page. There will also be an article about the photographer and the photo in a later edition of MyWestworld.
Westworld B.C. is the award-winning magazine of the British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA). The largest-circulation magazine in Western Canada, it offers a mix of local, regional and international travel features - unique stories and adventures by Canada’s top writers that entertain, inform and inspire. The circulation is 530,595 copies per issue.