Island family says smoke alarm saved their lives

* Environment, Labour and Justice [to May 2015]
John-Anthony Langdale and his two sons are alive today because of a working smoke alarm, says Environment, Labour and Justice Minister Janice Sherry.

“I want to thank Mr. Langdale for sharing his story,” said Ms. Sherry. “His frightening experience is an important reminder to us all to ensure we have working smoke alarms on every floor of our homes.”

On the night of Saturday, January 7, 2012, John-Anthony Langdale’s home was completely destroyed by a fire that Fire Marshal Dave Rossiter believes started in the basement. When Mr. Langdale awoke to the piercing ring of a smoke alarm, much of his home was already in flames. He grabbed his two sons, then aged four and six, and the three escaped without a moment to spare.

New Glasgow Fire Deputy Chief Jason Peters said he hopes this family’s experience will serve as a reminder to all residents that working smoke alarms can save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

“The peak time for home fire fatalities is at night when most families are sleeping,” said Mr. Peters, who was recently elected as President of the PEI Fire Fighters Association. “Thankfully, because his home was equipped with a working smoke alarm, Mr. Langdale’s story had a happy ending.”

“This weekend, fire services across the province will be out and about encouraging Islanders to test all smoke alarms, and refresh the batteries in battery-operated alarms and carbon monoxide detectors,” said Ms. Sherry. “I urge everyone, when you change your clocks this weekend, change your smoke alarm batteries. Remind your friends, family and neighbours to do the same.”

Mr. Langdale recently shared his story in a YouTube video produced for the Fire Marshal’s Office. You can view the video at

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Media Contact: Connie McNeill