October 2, 2000 * Community and Cultural Affairs [to Jun 2007]Wednesday, October 4, 2000, is International Walk to School Day. "Walk to School" Day was first launched in 1997 in Chicago by the Partnership for a Walkable America and moved to Canada in 1998 when an estimated 16,000 students from 100 schools across five provinces participated. "In PEI not all children live in close proximity to their schools, therefore walking to school is not always an option; however, for those students who are within walking distance, 'Walk to School' Day on Wednesday provides a wonderful opportunity to build some physical activity into their day for the betterment of their health and well-being," says Honorable Gail Shea, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs. "Encouraging children and youth to choose an active mode of transportation to get to and from school fits in very nicely with our Province's plan to address our 10 percent increase in physical activity among our population by the year 2003." Schools wishing to find out more about this event should contact the Division of Culture, Heritage Recreation and Sport at (902) 368-5509.Media Contact: Island Information Service