Government is pleased to be partnering on a new pilot project to research and implement a retention toolkit for internationally educated health professionals (IEHP) employed in the Atlantic region, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram.
“Understanding why internationally educated health professionals come and why they stay in our province will help in program and policy development and help to reduce barriers to IEHP integration and long-term retention,” said Minister Bertram.
This project will design, pilot and deliver a retention toolkit for internationally educated health professionals (IEHP) at three test sites, based on new and best practices in communities across Canada that help attract, integrate and retain IEHP newcomers.
In addition, a Navigator will be hired to assist IEHP’s and their families as they enter our provincial health system, a new retention committee has been formed by community leaders, and a Welcome Corner will be established at the local library as a resource center for our IEHPs and their families.
“For our International Professionals, moving to Prince Edward Island and joining our Health System is more than just starting a new job, it’s bringing your family to a new country, a new culture, environment and education system. Through this program, we hope to make this transition as easy as possible,” said Minister Bertram.
Funded through the Atlantic Population Table, the project will be led by the Retention and Integration Committee for Newcomer Health Professionals, which includes the Prince Edward Island Department of Health and Wellness – Recruitment and Retention Secretariat, the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada, IEHPs, the City of Summerside, community leaders, and representatives from both the Education and Health Systems.
For more information on this new initiative, contact the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada at (902) 628-6009 or visit their website at