Innovation PEI Welcomes Venture Capital Forum to the Centre for Health and Biotech Management Research

The Centre for Health and Biotech Management Research (CHBMR) at UPEI is hosting seven high-profile Venture Capitalists during National Biotechnology Week.

“I’d like to welcome the internationally renowned Venture Capitalists to the province,” said Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allan Campbell. “This event will assist lsland businesses and researchers to advance their knowledge, establish out-of-province contacts and explore future collaborations.”

The CHBMR was successful in gaining funding through the Premier’s Innovation Speaker Series, an Innovation PEI program developed in accordance with the Island Prosperity Strategy.

Dr. Juergen Krause, Director of the CHBMR, will host the speaker’s series within the School of Business at the University of Prince Edward Island.

“This event is made possible with the support of Innovation PEI, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and the PEI BioAlliance,” said Dr. Krause. “It is an important forum for researchers and Island Businesses to meet speakers who have been involved in the commercialization of high-profile research, and who led a significant number of companies to success.”

The series is proud to present Venture Capitalists Janice Bourque, Dr. Peter Farina, Dr. Allan Johnston, Dr. Jens Eckstein, Dr. Christian Cortis, Dr. Luc Marengere and Thomas Hayes.

“Our Government’s vision is to attract highly qualified and resourceful personnel who have experience in sourcing capital, which our Island companies need to grow and prosper,” said Minister Campbell. “We are fortunate to have individuals of this caliber visiting our Province, and I hope our local businesses take advantage of this tremendous opportunity.”

The forum will begin with opening remarks from Premier Robert Ghiz, Thursday, September 23, 10 a.m. at the School of Business, University of Prince Edward Island. The event series includes a networking luncheon, a keynote speaker, and a panel discussion. There is no cost for registration.

For more information or to register, visit

Media Contact: Angela Court