Ongoing financial investment by Government to increase surgical capacity at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) will lead to enhanced access to orthopedic surgeries while decreasing wait times for in-demand surgeries, says Premier Robert Ghiz.
“We have made significant strides in reducing wait times over the past 4 years. With these investments, Government is putting in place measures that will reduce wait times in areas of Orthopedic Surgery and other surgeries,” Premier Ghiz said.
“To address the growing need for operating room time for surgical services - orthopedic procedures and other surgery - the QEH plans to phase in additional operating room and related hospital resources, beginning this fall. Beginning this November, additional surgeries will be scheduled on Fridays,” said Minister Carolyn Bertram.
“Planning will also begin immediately to enable the fifth Operating Room to be open four days per week.”
“When the surgical expansion is fully implemented, patients who require urgent surgery will receive it, for the most part, on the same day and within daytime hours,” added Dr. Rosemary Henderson.
Upon completion, it is estimated that the QEH and PCH combined will accommodate an additional 1,200 orthopedic surgeries compared to what is currently offered. Other services such as vascular surgery will have additional dedicated operating room time which will provide predictability for patient scheduling. Enhanced capacity will also allow for extra surgical time to be offered to surgeons with increasing wait times or whose patients would benefit from more immediate surgery.
To achieve this, Government has committed to increased funding of $4.5 million per year to enhance and expand provincial surgical services.
“We have made significant progress in reducing wait times for Islanders; this investment will have an immediate impact on wait times for orthopedic surgeries,” said Premier Ghiz.