A project that improved a ball-park and playground was a “hit” with the community of Lot 11. On Saturday, the area held its annual ball tournament on a diamond that received enhancements under the Canada-PEI Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF).
“Canada's New Government, through MRIF, is working with its partners to get things done for the community of Lot 11 and Prince Edward Island,” said the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). “Through this MRIF investment, our government is supporting an initiative will draw even more people to this park, and further promote sports and physical activity in the community and surrounding areas”.
“This project will benefit a great many adults and youths in the Community of Lot 11 and surrounding areas,” said the Honourable Robert Ghiz, Premier of Prince Edward Island “It was an honour to be onsite and take part in the opening ceremonies. The Government of Prince Edward Island is pleased to support Island communities, and to support initiatives such as this, which promote sport, recreation and community spirit.”
“We thought there was no better time to highlight our new playground equipment and improved ball field than during our annual baseball tournament”, said community representative Robert Henderson, MLA for District 25, O'Leary - Inverness. “This park gives the people in our community a place to participate in sport and it’s important we sustain it.”
The federal, provincial and municipal partners each contributed one-third toward this project, which will ensure there are many more opportunities to participate in physical activity and sport in the community of Lot 11 and surrounding area. The total cost of the project was more than $20,000.
This investment allowed the community to replace its existing playground equipment, which had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer usable. The surface area of the ball field was improved with new gravel and shale which was leveled and compacted.