A Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Prince Edward Island, Island Tel, the Cities of Summerside and Charlottetown and the RCMP has been signed to provide a 911 Emergency Response System to cover all of Prince Edward Island. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding sets the stage for all partners on issues of cooperation in order for this to happen. It is anticipated that the system will be up and running by mid year 2000.
The desire to have a 911 Emergency Response System in PEI has been on the table for a number of years, and the partners are now pleased to announce that the main questions regarding the implementation have been resolved.
The 911 system envisioned is a partnership between the Province of Prince Edward Island, Island Tel, the Cities of Summerside and Charlottetown and the RCMP which will provide a call transfer system using "Public Safety Answering Points" operated by the Cities of Summerside and Charlottetown and the RCMP. The system will open avenues for better service based on the fact that more and better information will be available to the emergency agencies and the ability to better coordinate responses will exist. The cost of the system will be paid through a minimal surcharge added to the monthly telephone bill. Any such increase has to be approved by the CRTC which is the federal regulator of telecommunications. Based on studies done, telephone subscribers are willing to pay a nominal amount for the service.
The main contribution for the implementation phase of the 911 system will be coming from the Province of Prince Edward Island, Island Tel, and the Federal Government through the Infrastructure Grant Program.
A major component for implementation of such a service is a province-wide standard civic addressing system. All residences, businesses, cottages, etc. will have to be addressed appropriately to assist in the dispatching of the emergency response agencies to the correct location. This is a major task and will require cooperation from all levels of government including Federal, Provincial and Municipal.
The advantages of offering a 911 Emergency Response System are numerous. A simple 3-digit number that is in use almost universally will make it much easier for residents and visitors alike to access emergency response agencies which will have a direct impact on everyone's sense of security and peace of mind.
The Government of Prince Edward Island, Island Tel, the Cities of Summerside and Charlottetown and the RCMP are pleased that, now that the Memorandum of Understanding is signed, the task of setting up the 911 Emergency Response System for Prince Edward Island can proceed.