Hundreds attend Chinese Islanders Business Summit

* Innovation and Advanced Learning [to May 2015]
The Government of Prince Edward Island is eager to see new businesses start up and new partnerships form after a very well attended Chinese Islanders Business Summit, March 2 and 3, says Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allan Campbell.

“We had over 200 Chinese Islanders attend this two-day summit as well as dozens of Island businesses, some offering services and some looking to create business opportunities. I think down the road we’ll see some interesting businesses emerge from this event,” said Minister Campbell.

The Summit was held at Charlottetown’s Delta Hotel, with simultaneous English-Mandarin translation available.

The minister said this event’s success was so encouraging that government is already discussing the possibility of more business events targeting other language groups within the community of New Islanders.

In order to help business deals from the Chinese Islanders Business Summit reach fruition, the provincial government is offering to pay for interpreters who can assist Chinese Islanders and Island businesses with further talks.

“If we have a new Islander and an Island business with a business idea that can create new jobs and opportunities, government will be happy to pay for interpretive services that will help the two sides work out a deal,” said Minister Campbell.

Media Contact: Ron Ryder