December 3, 2008 * Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]The Provincial Fire Marshal`s Office has been called in to investigate a Fire that occurred at a Residence on the St. Catherines Rd, Souris owned by a Mr. Rickey McPhee. There were no injuries in the fire, the single family dwelling and garage were completely destroyed. The owner Mr. MacPhee is currently working out of Province. The Souris Fire Department received the call at 3:19 am Wednesday December 3, 2008 from a passing motorist. The Fire Department found the Residence and Garage (separate building in close proximity to the residence) fully involved in fire upon arrival. Crews stayed on the scene until 7:00am.Due to the extent of damage to the residence and garage, the Fire Marshal`s Office has ruled the cause of this fire to be Undetermined. It is believed that the fire did originate in the residence. There was insurance on the residence.Media Contact: David Rossiter