Islanders who heat with oil should check to make sure their home heating oil tanks are properly inspected and tagged before the winter heating season, Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown says.
“To protect our soil and ground water, the Department requires that oil companies deliver only to customers whose tanks have been inspected and tagged. In order to be sure of getting heating oil deliveries in the winter months ahead, people should check their tanks to make sure their tags are up to date,” said Minister Brown. All oil tanks in the province must bear a provincial inspection tag. The rectangular brass tag is mounted to the ventilation pipe of the oil tank. The tag will indicate a tank replacement date based on the tank’s manufacture date, steel thickness and fuel line connection.
“If anyone finds that they have a tank that hasn’t been tagged – or if they have a tank that has passed its expiry date – they should contact a qualified contractor immediately to make certain they are ready for the winter ahead,” said Minister Brown.
In cases where a tank is due for replacement, homeowners can take several measures to improve the safety and extend the life of the tank. These include; installing tanks indoors where possible, making sure outdoor tanks are protected from snow and debris, and choosing tanks made from double-walled steel or from rust-resistant materials.