Highway System Needs Long-Term Plan

* Transportation and Public Works [to Jan 2010]
The Minister of Transportation and Public Works, Hon. Mike Currie, says long-term planning is essential if the Island highway system is to meet the demands of the future, and that planning includes major new projects such as the Cornwall by-pass.

"It is important that we look after the highway needs of today, but it is equally important that we have a clear sense of where we are headed and what the needs will be in the future. That is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the resources we invest in the highway system."

The Minister says the Cornwall by-pass is an example of necessary long-term planning. "At the present time, more than 20,000 vehicles per day pass through Cornwall and that traffic is increasing. At the same time, the community is growing and wants to continue to expand and attract development. The present highway is being used as both local access and a major through fare which inevitably leads to conflict over matters such as traffic control, speed, and other safety issues." If the by-pass is not built, it will become necessary to increase lanes on the present highway and the Minister says that raises a whole set of other issues.

"For one thing the community of Cornwall would be divided in two by a major highway. Safety considerations would require more restrictions on traffic such as permitting left turns only at signalized intersections. Land would have to be taken from existing properties, many of which are already close to the existing road, and the conflict between local and substantial through traffic would remain."

Planning for the by-pass will involve input from landowners in the area. "That is one of the reasons to get this on the table now. We want to hear from the people affected, and I am pleased the Town of Cornwall has agreed to assist us in that process. Our objective is to choose the best routing that will meet the transportation needs and take into account land issues."

Minister Currie says highway construction always involves a balancing of transportation and local needs and department staff are sensitive to that fact in preparing and implementing highway projects.

Media Contact: Island Information Service