Prince Edward Island Fisheries Minister Kevin MacAdam confirmed today that the province’s position on the herring seiner fishery off the north shore of the Island has not changed despite recent comments emanating from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to the contrary.
“Prince Edward Island has consistently and repeatedly requested that the federal Minister reinstate the historical 25-fathom boundary for seiners operating off the shores of Prince Edward Island,” said Mr. MacAdam. “This boundary was changed by DFO without explanation and it has been unable to provide any scientific or other rationale for its decision to move the line.”
Mr. MacAdam has requested that effective, independent and peer-reviewed research take place in cooperation with Prince Edward Island fishermen. He said there is no current research available on various aspects of the herring fishery in the Gulf and off the shores of Prince Edward Island.
In response, DFO has suggested a research protocol for the off-shore herring fishery in a part of the disputed zone. Departmental officials have reviewed the proposed protocol in consultation with the PEIFA and have provided comments to DFO. In addition, Mr. MacAdam has said that provincial support for any new research being conducted must include the inshore herring fishery and Island fishermen must play an important role in the process.
“Our agreement on the need to conduct research into the herring fishery in no way alters our position on the seiner herring fishery,” he said. ”The original and traditional 25-fathom line should be restored until the research is carried out. I do not see this 11th hour proposal by DFO to conduct research that should have been completed prior to making any changes to the line having much impact on the current situation. We obviously need the research to make rational decisions in the future.”