Health PEI has received national Accreditation by Accreditation Canada. This Accreditation award confirms that the programs and services provided in healthcare facilities across the province are meeting national standards.
Leo Steven, Chair of the Board of Health PEI, says the quality improvement work with Health PEI is very important to the health of Islanders and the future of our health care system.
“We are very pleased with the results from the accreditation report which provides the Board, and our Island communities, assurance that our health services in Prince Edward Island are on track with services being provided across the country. The Board will use this valuable information as we move forward with our work overseeing Health PEI’s strategic direction on behalf of Islanders. Thanks to everyone who was involved in the preparations leading up to and during the survey visit including the many staff and physicians who have worked hard on quality teams.”
Accreditation Canada surveyors were in Prince Edward Island September 26 to October 1 visiting health facilities, evaluating patient and client programs and services, as well as examining administrative and support services within Health PEI. Ten surveyors, experts within their field, including physicians, nurses, administrators, lab technologists and a pharmacist, traveled across Prince Edward Island reviewing documentation, performing team interviews, participating in facility tours, and meeting with staff, clients and community partners.
The Accreditation award was granted with condition. An Accreditation with Condition award is not unusual as the majority of accreditation decisions across Canada come with condition and recommendations for improvement. Health PEI will continue to communicate with Accreditation Canada regarding recommendations made and follow-up reports will be sent to Accreditation Canada to demonstrate progress.
“I want to recognize all staff, physicians and volunteers for their dedication to providing high quality health care and for achieving this accreditation,” says Keith Dewar, CEO of Health PEI. “The survey results confirm that the programs and services we provide in healthcare facilities across the province are meeting national standards. Accreditation is one tool we use to assess the quality and safety of the services we provide everyday. While we know we can always improve, this external review reinforces our commitment to using evidence and best practice as the basis for decision-making and prioritizing our work.”
The full Accreditation report can be seen at
• Accreditation Canada is a national, non-profit, independent organization whose role is to help health service organizations across Canada and internationally, examine and improve the quality of care and service they provide to their clients.
• Accreditation is a voluntary process that takes place every three years as part of ongoing quality improvement.
• There were 2,411 survey criteria assessed with 81 per cent met, 14 per cent unmet, and the remaining 5 per cent which did not apply to Health PEI. The unmet criteria will be the focus for quality improvement for Health PEI.
• The survey results identified many strengths throughout the health system including:
- the success seen in decreasing wait times in Diagnostic Imaging;
- the implementation of the Provincial Stroke program;
- plans to implement a provincial palliative care program;
- the leadership of the organization, including the newly formed Health PEI Board;
- the new collaborative model of care, which is recognized as an important initiative in engaging patients, clients and residents in their own care and to support health providers to work within their full scope of practice;
- the strong community support facilities within Health PEI receive, such as the contributions of Foundations.
• In the recommendations from Accreditation Canada, several areas for improvement also emerged across the provincial healthcare system including:
- recommendations for province-wide policies and procedures be developed for infection control and prevention;
- improved patient safety approaches including safer medication practices;
- recommendations that the health system would benefit from a period of stability to focus on strategic direction and to improve role clarity and accountability in the organization.
• Quality teams will develop work plans for each of the recommendations that need to be addressed and follow-up reports will be sent to Accreditation Canada to demonstrate progress.