Health Minister and Lennox Island Chief Participate in Aboriginal Health Meeting

* Health [to Jan 2010]
Earlier this week, the Honourable Chester Gillan, Minister of Health, and Chief Darlene Bernard, co-chair of the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI, participated in a Working Meeting on Aboriginal health issues held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Discussion themes included leadership, partnership, innovation and collaborative health service delivery related to Aboriginal populations. The meetings were organized to foster dialogue on strategies related to these themes.

Minister Gillan said, “We recognize that there are health issues unique to aboriginal communities and health issues which are shared by all Islanders. We are encouraged by the collaborative work we have already accomplished with aboriginal groups in areas such as Public Health immunization programs, education and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and we realize there is much more planning work that can result in more progress.”

“The meeting was strongly focussed on working together to form tripartite relationships – especially within provinces – so we can build an effective structure to better coordinate health system planning and to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of health services,” added Minister Gillan. “It is important to note the joint efforts among federal, provincial and First Nations governments to work collaboratively on health issues. These efforts will help address the gap between aboriginal health status and the health status of non-aboriginals.”

Chief Darlene Bernard also expressed her support for a partnership approach to improve the lives of the PEI Mi’kmaq.

“The Mi’kmaq Confederacy is very interested in developing a close relationship with federal, provincial and First Nations representatives on PEI to foster further discussion and planning related to health and other issues,” said Chief Bernard. “The Province has demonstrated a commitment to Aboriginal health issues in Minister Gillan’s attendance at the meeting and in the invitation to our First Nations’ leadership to attend as a part of the provincial delegation. Together we are taking our first steps in a respectful intergovernmental relationship and we are looking forward to the work ahead, in health and many other areas.”

Marilyn Sark, President of the Aboriginal Women’s Association of PEI, was also at the meeting as part of the delegation for the Association.

At the meeting, Premier Gary Doer of Manitoba offered to host a follow-up meeting next year to monitor progress and ensure that activities are moving forward in all jurisdictions.

Media Contact: Rod Stanley