Hazelbrook Construction and Demolition Site to Re-open for One Year Before Permanent Closure

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
A construction and demolition waste disposal site in Hazelbrook has been given permission to re-open for 12 months after meeting requirements of a ministerial order.

In a permit issued November 16, 2009, Maintenance Services of Charlottetown has been given clearance to re-open the Hazelbrook C and D site. The site was ordered closed January 30, 2008, after inspection found it was not meeting provincial regulations.

“The re-opening of this facility will allow the operator to use available space at the site and to permanently and properly close the disposal site. A managed permanent closure is best for the environment and the community,” said Minister Brown.

“Twelve months from the re-opening, the Hazelbrook site will stop receiving new waste material and all operations will cease with the exception of work to cap the site and prepare it for permanent closure.”

Closure plans for the facility will include a surface water control system, odour control measures and a one metre clay liner cap over the entire area. Monitoring wells already on site will continue to be used to check the quality of ground water at the site. Once the site has been closed Maintenance Services will be responsible for its upkeep.

“My department has met with the community and the facility’s operators throughout this process. The permit issued will give both the community and the operator a clear picture of the conditions under which the facility can operate, the time limit for operations and the environmental standards that will be upheld,” said Minister Brown.

“Getting to this point has required a lot of cooperation and discussion between the community and the operator and I would like to thank them both for their work on this matter.”

Media Contact: Ron Ryder