Halloween Alert - Hand Shaped Candles Pose A Potential Fire Hazard

* Provincial Affairs [to Oct 1996]
The Office of the Fire Marshal is alerting the public to the potential fire hazard associated with Halloween novelty candles marketed as the "Bleeding Hand." Each candle is the shape of a human hand, about seven inches high with a wick on each fingertip, and is currently being sold as a Halloween decoration.

Tests conducted show that when the candle is lit, the flames on the five finger wicks may combine to form a single large flame over six inches high. This extreme flaming is not evident when the candle is first lit, but may happen without warning about twenty minutes later. The candle also melts very rapidly, creating a large pool of hot wax in a relatively short period of time.

Individuals who may wish to light these candles are advised to take special precautions. These candles should be located to avoid ignition of combustible items such as clothing, window curtains, other Halloween decorations or shrubbery, and should be placed on a large metal or glass baking dish big enough to catch all of the hot wax. We also advise placing a large cutting board under the candle container, to prevent heat damage. The burning candles should be supervised by an adult at all times and should not be moved. Water mist from a spray bottle or baking soda can be used to extinguish the flame.

The public is reminded that all candles or other open flames should be used with extreme caution at Halloween, to ensure that they do not pose a risk to trick-or-treaters.

For more information contact: Office of the Fire Marshal, (902) 368-4869.

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