Graduates to benefit from provincial support for research

Economic Development and Tourism
Graduate students and post doctoral fellows who are carrying out research can now apply for support from Innovation PEI in an effort to develop new skills and expertise, says Minister of Economic Development and Tourism Heath MacDonald.

“The Graduate Students and Post Doctoral Fellowship Fund assists students who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement and are working on industry relevant research projects,” said Minister MacDonald. “Post graduate and fellowship research is an excellent way for students to develop new skills, products or processes that could have a lasting and positive impact on various strategic sectors of the economy like bio-science, value added food production, IT, aerospace, marine technology and advanced manufacturing.”

The fund supports applicants in each of three categories; masters students, PhD students and post doctoral fellows. Masters students can qualify for up to two years of funding at $20,000 a year, PhD students can qualify for up to three years of funding at $20,000 a year, and post doctoral fellows can qualify for up to two years of funding at $40,000 a year.

“This fund has been of tremendous value in helping us advance the vibrant bioscience community in PEI” says Dr. Andrew Tasker, Professor of Neuropharmacology at UPEI. “By providing essential support to both the brightest young Island scientists as well as allowing us to attract new talent to PEI, the Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Fellowship fund helps us to pursue industry-relevant quality scientific research, while also promoting career development for our youth and the economic development of the Province. The government should be commended for its on-going support of a win-win-win program”.

The fund is open to both graduate students and fellows who have secured a supervisor within a graduate or fellowship program position on the Island, and to supervisors of research programs who have not yet found a graduate to do the research. The fund has been supporting graduate students and fellows since 2009.

“Our Government strives to make post secondary education more accessible for our students. This Fund supports graduate students and post doctoral fellows as they work to achieve their educational goals and research endeavors,” said Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown.

Applications into the fund are being accepted until February 20. For more information visit

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague