Grade one students to receive free book

* Tourism and Culture [to May 2015]
Grade one students across Prince Edward Island will receive a free book this week in an effort to help foster a love of reading, says Minister of Tourism and Culture Robert Henderson.

“It is very important that children are given every incentive to improve literacy skills, especially early in life,” said Minister Henderson. “The Public Library Service plays an important role in helping foster a love of books, and staff will be assisting in the distribution of these books to Island children.”

Every year, TD Bank partners with the Canadian Children’s Book Centre to give every Grade 1 student in Canada a free paperback picture book in either of the two official languages. Books are distributed by provincial librarians at local schools.

The selected book this year is "I’ve Lost My Cat," which is written and illustrated by Philippe Béha and published by Éditions Imagine. The French title is "J’ai perdu mon chat."

In this delightful tale, a young boy loses his cat - he’s round, he’s cute, he’s yellow, black and white, and his name is Greyling. The boy’s friends all try to find Greyling and they bring the young boy all sorts of animals that somewhat match the description of his cat. They bring him a leopard, a pig and an elephant ... but none of them are Greyling. Oh where has his little cat gone?

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague