It was as a result of a class assignment that Wes MacAleer, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, received proposals on methods of increasing tourism on Prince Edward Island from two Grade 9 students in British Columbia.
"I think this project is an excellent way for students to learn about Canada and its different provinces," said Minister MacAleer. "As one of the leading industries on PEI, tourism offers a tremendous learning experience for these students."
In Armstrong, British Columbia, Pleasant Valley Secondary School's Grade 9 class recently completed a social studies assignment in which they had to choose a province in Canada, research it and propose a method for improving the amount the tourism industry adds to the province's gross domestic product (GDP). The teacher had each group or individual compile an original homemade "tourism package" which in this case included a folder, pamphlet, pictures and background material, not to mention a list of proposed suggestions for increasing tourism.
Pretending to be a representative from their chosen province's Department of Tourism, each group or individual then had to present proposals to the class. After the presentations were complete, the class voted on what they thought was the best project. The project that received the most votes would be sent to that province's Department of Tourism. It was under these circumstances that Minister MacAleer received the package.
"The two students put a lot of hard work and effort into the completion of this package," said Minister MacAleer. "The project I received showed a great deal of insight for the grade level of these students."
In addition to the tourism industry, the package also details the history of the Island, the land, the people and the economy. According to the two BC students, people are attracted to PEI for the "natural beauty of the scenery, the marvellous beaches and the relaxed pace of life."