Grade 9 and 10 Students Prepare For Take Our Kids To Work Day

* Education [to Apr 2008]
More than 1,300 Grade 9 and 10 students are preparing to enter the workforce this week. These students will spend the day at work with a parent, relative or volunteer host on Wednesday, November 4, Take Our Kids to Work Day.

To recognize this special day in PEI, Minister of Education Chester Gillan challenged Grade 9 students to write an essay completing this thought: "If I were Minister of Education for a day I would...".

The response was high, with over 450 Island high school students taking part. The winning essay was received from Devin Bruce, a Grade 9 student from Souris Regional High School. For his efforts, Bruce will act as the symbolic Minister of Education on Take Our Kids to Work Day. Valerie Burke, a Grade 9 student from Birchwood Intermediate, was chosen to act as Deputy Minister of Education for the day. "Both students and parents benefit greatly from this program," said Minister Gillan. "It allows students to learn first-hand about their parent's work experience and it gives them insight into the types of skills and education needed for the workforce."

Minister Gillan added that preparing students for the transition from secondary school to the world of work, or further training and education, is a high priority in PEI.

"Take Our Kids to Work Day promotes partnerships between the school system, parents and the community, in the advancement of student career development," said Deputy Minister Elaine Noonan. "We are very fortunate to have the support and participation of so many businesses in the community."

Take Our Kids To Work Day is a Canada-wide program that enables Grade 9 students to go to work for a day with a parent or employment host. It provides a direct link between classroom learning and real world experience, and it gives students the opportunity to recognize the importance of education in securing a job

Take our Kids to Work Day is organized by the Learning Partnership and is sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada, Northern Telecom, Scotia Bank/Scotia McLeod and Departments of Education.

Media Contact: Ellen Hamill