Government Responds To Ground Ambulance Industry Review

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover released the findings today of a review of the ground ambulance industry in Prince Edward Island.

The report contains 22 recommendations regarding provincial ambulance services in four areas: wages and benefits; working conditions; educational and training requirements; and service delivery options.

The independent external review was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Services and conducted in the fall of 1998 by MacIsaac Younker Roche Soloman.

Minister Dover advised that key stakeholder groups were involved in the study such as the Ambulance Operators of PEI, the Paramedics Association of PEI, and ambulance service users.

"Although Islanders are presently very satisfied with their ambulance services," she said, "implementation of the recommendations of the review will clearly help to further improve ambulance services in the province."

The study recommends a provincial wage scale and benefits package to recognize education and experience. It also makes recommendations regarding length of shifts and differentiation between on-site and on-call hours for the purposes of remuneration.

Minister Dover advised that Government is now working closely with the ambulance operators and ambulance personnel to establish a process to address the recommendations.

"We are supportive of moving toward a more standardized approach to wages, benefits and working conditions, in the range of that recommended in the study," she said. "We are also committed to a timely resolution of the wage and benefits package so that the wage concerns of ambulance personnel can be addressed as soon as possible," said the minister.

The study recommends minimum education levels and continuing education requirements for ambulance personnel and the appointment of an Emergency Medical Director.

Minister Dover advised that much of this work is currently underway in proposed amendments to the Public Health Act and Regulations. "The proposed Act and Regulations are currently before the Legislature. They will address qualifications, education and training requirements, and the scope of practice of ambulance personnel, as well as the appointment of a Provincial Emergency Medical Services Director and the establishment of an Emergency Medical Services Board with broad representation from the industry," said Minister Dover.

The study identified several options for service delivery. Although it recommended that Government consolidate from the five existing operators to one or two operators and tender for market rights, this is not Government's preferred option.

"Islanders have confidence in their ambulance services, and Government is interested in continuing to do business with the current operators," said the minister. "At the same time, we will be pursuing a more defined contractual arrangement with the operators to address emerging trends and ensure consistent quality emergency medical services across the province," she said.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty