Government House Levee 2014

In keeping with a tradition that predates the 180 year history of Government House, Their Honours the Honourable H. Frank Lewis and Mrs. Dorothy Lewis will host their annual New Year's Day Levee on January 1 from 10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

This year, Their Honours will give everyone attending a memento to mark the beginning on the 150th anniversary year of the Confederation Conference, the first meeting of the Fathers of Confederation. The Fathers were entertained at Government House in September, 1864.

Refreshments will be served to all visitors, including those with wheat and gluten sensitivities. The Singing Strings, under the direction of John and Jenet Clement and Natalie Williams Calhoun, will again be providing musical entertainment as at many past levees.

The levee is an old French tradition in which troops would visit their commander on New Year's Day to pay their respects. It was brought to French colonies in North America and later adopted into English settlements.

The modern levee, meaning "get up," is for everyone, and in that spirit, Their Honours invite the public to join them in starting the New Year of 2014 by greeting friends, old and new, at Government House and the numerous other levees across PEI.

His Honour will be attending other levees after all visitors have been through Government House, including the Town of Kensington, which in 2014 is celebrating a century since its incorporation. Her Honour will also be attending other New Year's Day levees.

Visitors with mobility limitations may park at Government House and make use of the ramp to the porch. All others are kindly asked to park off the grounds.

Media Contact: Cindy Cheverie