Good hand hygiene the focus of Canadian Patient Safety Week

Canadian Patient Safety Week, October 27 - 31, is an opportunity to remind Islanders and health care providers alike that good hand hygiene can significantly reduce and even prevent the spread of infections, says Dr. Richard Wedge, Health PEI CEO.

“Patient safety is Health PEI’s number one priority,” said Dr. Wedge. “As health care providers, it is important to ensure that we follow good hand hygiene and infection control practices so that we provide patients with the safest care possible. Hand hygiene is recognized as the single most important step that can be taken in preventing the spread of health care associated infections.”

Canadian Patient Safety Week (CPSW) is an annual national event that aims to increase awareness of patient safety issues, share information about best practices, and remind the public that good health care starts with good communication. This year’s message is, Ask.Listen.Talk. Hand Hygiene and Infection Prevention and Control, is a reminder to health care providers, patients and visitors to health care facilities to wash their hands before and after patient care or before and after visiting someone in a health care facility.

In Canada, more than 200,000 patients get infections every year while receiving health care services and treatments in Canada; more than 8,000 of these patients die as a result. About 80 % of common infections are spread by health care workers, patients and visitors. Up to 50 % of health care associated infections (HCAIs) could have been prevented.

Patient safety remains at the forefront of Health PEI’s priorities and good hand hygiene practice is a key component. This year, Health PEI has created a local campaign across health care facilities called Ask Me if I Have Washed My Hands. Health care providers across Prince Edward Island will be wearing a button featuring this statement as a way to engage patients in a very important conversation.

“This week’s campaign focuses on increasing patient involvement in protecting themselves against health care associated infections,” says PEI Infection Control practitioner, Christine Drummond. “The Ask Me if I Have Washed My Hands button campaign encourages a more active conversation between the health care provider and the patient/resident who will feel more comfortable asking the question.”

All Islanders are encouraged to take part in Canadian Patient Safety Week and to practice good hand hygiene all year. Further information is available at

Media Contact: Amanda Hamel