Get Caught Reading

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
October is Canadian Library Month and to help celebrate and encourage Islanders to be active readers, the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour is proud to launch a new program, Get Caught Reading.

“We want to encourage, celebrate, and recognize the activity of reading,” said Minister Bertram. “Get Caught Reading is a campaign geared to promote reading as a fun activity for all ages.”

The goal is to catch people reading a book, a magazine, a newspaper, or listening to an audiobook, and reward their reading habit with a prize. Every Tuesday throughout the month of October, library teams will be visiting random locations across the Island searching for readers; if you get caught, you’ll win a prize.

“This allows us to promote the library beyond the walls of the physical library,” said Minister Bertram. “Reading is an essential part of our lives - it teaches, guides, informs, entertains and keeps us connected to each other and the world. I want to encourage all Islanders to visit a library this month, and get caught reading.”

All 26 public library locations on Prince Edward Island have planned a wide variety of activities for Library Month. To find a full list of events this fall be sure to pick up a copy of the Fall Program Guide available at your local library or on the library webpage

To find out more information about these programs and services, or to locate a library branch near you, please phone (902) 961-7320.

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere